当前位置:首页 > 搅拌车资讯 > 行业动态混泥土搅拌车在工地建设时应该注意什么?
来源:http://www.cnzkjf.cn发布日期:2020-04-28   浏览量:0
1. The pressure of the hydraulic system shall conform to the provisions in the operation manual, and shall not be adjusted at will. The quality and quantity of hydraulic oil shall meet the original requirements.
2、混凝土拌和车装料前,应先排净拌筒内残存的积水和杂物。在运送过程中要不停的滚动,以防 混凝土离析。混凝土拌和运送车到达工地和卸料之前,应先使拌筒全速以14—18转/分滚动1—2分钟,然后再进行回转卸料。回转之前,应使拌和筒停稳不转。
2. Before loading the concrete mixer, the remaining water and sundries in the mixing drum shall be drained. Keep rolling during transportation to prevent concrete segregation. Before the concrete mixer truck arrives at the construction site and unloads, the mixer drum shall be rolled at full speed for 1-2 minutes at 14-18 rpm, and then the revolving unloading shall be carried out. Before rotation, the mixing drum shall be stopped stably.
3. If the ambient temperature is higher than + 25 ℃, the continuous time from loading, transportation and unloading shall not exceed 60 minutes; if the ambient temperature is lower than + 25 ℃, the above time shall not exceed 90 minutes.
4. During winter construction, it shall be ensured that: check whether there is ice before starting the machine; carefully clean the remaining water in the mixing drum and water supply system at the end of work, close the water pump switch, and place the control handle in the "stop" position.
5、在施工现场卸料完毕后,应立即用拌和车随带的软管冲刷进料斗、出料斗、卸料溜槽等处,铲除粘附在车身遍地的污泥及混凝土。在回来拌和站的途中,应向拌和筒内注150---200L水以清洗筒壁 及叶片粘结的混凝土残渣。
5、 After the completion of unloading at the construction site, the inlet hopper, outlet hopper, discharge chute, etc. shall be washed immediately with the hose attached to the mixer truck to remove the sludge and concrete adhering to the vehicle body. On the way back to the mixing station, 150-200l water shall be injected into the mixing drum to clean the concrete residue on the wall and blade.
6、每天作业完毕后,司机应负责向拌和筒内注入清水并高速(14—18转/分)旋转5—10分钟,然后将水排去,以确保筒内清洁。用高压水清洗拌和筒各个部分时,应留意避开仪表及操纵杆等部位。 压力水喷嘴与车身油漆表面间的距离不得小于40厘米。
6. After each day's operation, the driver shall be responsible for injecting clear water into the mixing drum and rotating it at high speed (14-18 RPM) for 5-10 minutes, and then draining the water to ensure the cleanness of the drum. When cleaning all parts of the mixing drum with high-pressure water, pay attention to avoid the instrument, control lever and other parts. The distance between the pressure water nozzle and the body paint surface shall not be less than 40 cm.
7、铲除拌和筒内外积污及残存的混凝土渣块时,以及在机修人员进入筒内进行检修和焊补作业时,需先封闭轿车发动机,使拌和筒彻底停止滚动。在机修人员进入筒内作业期间,有必要确保拌筒内通 风杰出,空气新鲜,无可然气体及有害尘埃,氧气供应足够(不得运用纯氧)。在筒内运用电动工具操作时,操作人员有必要有杰出的绝缘保护。
7. When removing the accumulated dirt and residual concrete slag inside and outside the mixing drum, and when the mechanic enters the drum for maintenance and welding repair, the car engine shall be closed first to make the mixing drum stop rolling completely. It is necessary to ensure that the mixing drum is well ventilated, fresh air, free of natural gas and harmful dust, and sufficient oxygen supply (pure oxygen is not allowed to be used) during the operation period when the mechanic enters the drum. When using electric tools to operate in the cylinder, it is necessary for the operator to have excellent insulation protection.
8. During operation, do not extend your hand into the rotating mixing drum. Do not extend your hand into the connection between the main discharge chute and the extended discharge chute to avoid accidents.
9. Check the abrasion condition of mixing blades regularly and repair and replace them in time.
10. Follow all relevant safety operation specifications. It is necessary for the drivers of concrete mixing and transporting vehicles to receive professional training, and those without qualification certificates are not allowed to work.

莱州中科聚峰机械有限公司 电话:15053524111 地址:山东省莱州市206国道与308省道交叉口东南50米