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来源:http://www.cnzkjf.cn发布日期:2020-12-23   浏览量:0
In recent years, due to the large volume of the large tank car, the driver has a blind spot in driving, resulting in a lot of accidents. Therefore, when Zhongke introduces the new type of automatic feeding mixer, many drivers will also be troubled by safety problems. So, is it safe for China Science and Technology Co., Ltd?
Zhongke self loading mixer
First of all, the mixer car body is small, and equipped with 360 ° panoramic HD camera, the driver can see the situation around the car body and the car comprehensively, clear the blind area of vision, the driver's safety factor is high, and the people and objects around the car body can also be guaranteed.
Secondly, with more than ten years of R & D experience, the cab of the automatic feeding mixer is designed according to the principle of ergonomics. The four sides of the cab are designed in plane, and the glass with clear vision is used in the places where the driver's sight can be swept.
Moreover, the overall structure of the body of Zhongke self loading mixer is balanced by engineers according to the principle of metrology. At the same time, the support of hydraulic balance bar can effectively prevent rollover and other accidents.
This can play a very good role in the mountain road construction, climbing and turning projects and operations, and help drivers to operate and drive safely.
In general, the safety of Zhongke self loading mixer is very good, whether it is the loading steps or the construction and transportation steps, whether it is for the driver or the people and things around the car body. If you have other questions in front of the screen, please leave a message to discuss: http://www.cnzkjf.cn

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