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来源:http://www.cnzkjf.cn发布日期:2021-07-27   浏览量:0
When we drive the automatic loading mixer, most of us will choose an old driver to drive, but whether it is an experienced old driver or not, there will be careless times, so we have sorted out several bottom lines that we can't make. I hope you can listen carefully.
1、 Over heating of self loading mixer
Whether it's winter or other seasons, many car owners are used to idling the car in place and driving it for a period of time. They feel that the performance of the self loading mixer is good at this time. But in fact, in-situ idling hot car not only has limited effect, but also wastes gasoline and time.
When the engine is under no load, the temperature climb is quite slow, that is, it takes a long time for the engine to reach the normal working temperature at idle speed. The correct approach should be to start the road immediately after loading the mixer truck and heating the truck in place for about 30 seconds. However, since the engine and drive system have not reached the normal operating temperature at this time, the speed should still be controlled within about 2000 rpm, and the high-speed operation can be carried out only after the water temperature reaches normal.
2、 Still use electrical equipment after flameout
一旦自上料搅拌车熄火,蓄电池就处于只放电不充电的工作状态。所以如果在长时间熄火后仍然一直在使用自上料搅拌车内大功率用电器,比如开着车辆大灯、停车在路边长时间听音乐等等,这样可能很快导致蓄电池彻 底放电自上料搅拌车,无法启动的严重后果。
Once the self loading mixer is turned off, the battery will be in the working state of discharging without charging. Therefore, if the high-power electrical appliances in the self loading mixer are still used after a long time of flameout, such as driving the vehicle headlights, parking on the roadside and listening to music for a long time, it may soon lead to the serious consequence that the battery is completely discharged and the self loading mixer cannot be started.
3、 Add oil after the tank bottoms out
Some people are lazy, others seldom pay attention to the fuel tank scale, and they will drive a distance to refuel after the fuel tank warning light is on. However, sometimes when you look for a gas station after the fuel warning light is on, there may be no gas station nearby, which makes you in a hurry. Moreover, if such a situation often occurs, the service life of the oil pump of the self loading mixer may be greatly reduced.
我们要保持好底线,杜绝饮酒驾驶,因为喝酒会麻痹我们的神经,让我们的动作变慢,导致遇到特殊情况的时候不能马上去反应,对于我们自身与他人的人身安 全都没有保障,所以也希望大家可以好好的去注意。
We should keep the bottom line and put an end to drinking and driving, because drinking will paralyze our nerves and slow down our actions, so we can't react immediately in case of special circumstances, and there is no guarantee for our own and other people's personal safety, so we hope you can pay good attention.

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