当前位置:首页 > 搅拌车资讯 > 常见问题自动搅拌一体车离合器挂挡不佳的故障原因及排除方法
来源:http://www.cnzkjf.cn发布日期:2020-09-28   浏览量:0
When driving an automatic mixing vehicle, drivers often encounter such a situation: when the engine is idling, the clutch pedal has been pressed to the bottom, but it is difficult to shift, there is a feeling that the gear is not smooth, and there is a strong impact sound of the gear change. After reluctantly engaging the gear, the clutch pedal has not been released, and the concrete mixer has been running or stalling. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. The manufacturer of Shanqi mixer truck provides the following solutions for the majority of concrete mixer truck drivers to eliminate, find the problem and solve the fault.
1、 Causes and troubleshooting of poor clutch engagement of mixer truck
Check through the following methods: remove the bottom cover of the clutch, put the transmission into neutral gear, and press the clutch to the bottom. Then, use the lifting tool to move the driven plate. If it can be turned easily, it means that the clutch is in good condition; if it can not be turned, it means that the clutch is not completely separated.
Causes and troubleshooting of poor clutch engagement of mixer truck
1. Check whether the free stroke of the clutch pedal of the mixer is too large, and then adjust it.
2. Check whether the separation lever of mixer truck is consistent or too low. Specific methods: under the vehicle, move the release fork to make the front end of the release bearing of the mixer truck lean against the inner end face of the release lever, and rotate the clutch for a circle. If the inner end of the release lever is not in contact with the release bearing at the same time, it indicates that the height of the release lever is inconsistent and needs to be adjusted. If the height is consistent and the separation is not complete, check the lever height at this time. Adjust each separation lever to the same height. If the separation is complete, it means that the original adjustment is improper or the wear is serious. After adjusting the release lever, the free travel of the clutch pedal must also be readjusted.
3. After the above operation, if the separation is not complete, remove the clutch, check whether the master and slave drive plate is warped, whether the driven plate is installed reversely, whether the release lever screw is loose, etc.
4. For the clutch of newly riveted friction plate, check whether the driven plate and friction plate are too thick. If it is too thick, add a gasket between the clutch cover and the flywheel.
5. For the clutch of the hydraulic transmission of the automatic mixer truck, in addition to the above inspection, it is also necessary to check whether the brake fluid is lack, whether the pipeline is leaking, and exhaust the air in the hydraulic system.
2、 How to use correctly clutch of mixer truck
1. Don't step on the clutch of mixer when you have nothing to do
(1) The clutch on the mixer truck is in a fine engagement state during normal driving, and the clutch should not slip;
(2) When driving, do not step on clutch pedal or put foot on clutch pedal at other time except for car starting, shifting and low-speed braking;
(3) When the mixer truck is driving, if the foot is placed on the clutch pedal for a long time, it is easy to cause clutch slip, clutch plate ablation and other phenomena. In serious cases, even the clutch pressure plate and flywheel end face are ablated and strained, resulting in the annealing of clutch compression spring and other obstacles. At the same time, it will also lead to fuel consumption and vehicle consumption, which will increase the driving cost.
2. Correct operation of mixer truck when starting
(1) When the mixer starts, the operation mode of clutch pedal is "one fast, two slow, three linkage", that is, pick up quickly when the pedal is lifted;
(2) When the clutch shows half linkage (at this time the voice of the mobilization machine has changed), the speed of pedal lifting is slightly slow;
(3) From linkage to complete unity, slowly pick up the pedal. At the same time of lifting the clutch pedal, step on the accelerator pedal gradually according to the resistance of the mobilization machine, so that the mixer can start smoothly.
3. Correct operation of agitator when shifting gears
(1) When shifting gears during driving, the deceiving clutch pedal should be stepped down and raised quickly, without half linkage phenomenon, otherwise, the wear of clutch will be accelerated;
(2) When handling, pay attention to be in common with the throttle.
4. In order to make the mixer shift smoothly and reduce the wear of the transmission shift mechanism and clutch, the "two foot clutch shift method" is advocated. Although the operation is huge, it is a good way to save fuel and money.

莱州中科聚峰机械有限公司 电话:15053524111 地址:山东省莱州市206国道与308省道交叉口东南50米