当前位置:首页 > 搅拌车资讯 > 常见问题小型混凝土自动搅拌车雨后行驶前该做哪些检查?
来源:http://www.cnzkjf.cn发布日期:2021-05-05   浏览量:0
Small automatic concrete mixer is a very common industrial vehicle, so it is necessary to do a good job in inspection. Next, follow Xiaobian to see what inspection rules concrete mixer should abide by? And how to maintain the vehicle after a rainy day? Listen to me.
1、 Inspection rules for mixing system of small automatic concrete mixer truck:
1. The contact between the cylinder and the supporting roller should be excellent, and there should be no deviation, movement and severe deformation.
2. There should be no crack or damage on the buffer of mixing drum frame; The blades, feed hopper and main and auxiliary discharge chute in the mixing drum should not be severely worn and deformed.
3. There should be no significant concrete lumps in mixing drum, feed hopper and main and auxiliary discharge chute.
2、 Inspection rules for hydraulic system of small automatic concrete mixer truck:
1. During the operation of the power take-off, it should be stable, the pressure should meet the rated requirements of the design, and there should be no leakage.
2. The hydraulic system parts should be complete, and the system working pressure should meet the requirements of the manual.
3. The type, quality, quantity and use of hydraulic oil shall comply with relevant rules; The oil temperature of heat pump should not exceed 80 ℃; The pipeline connection shall be firm; It should not be rusted, deformed, aged, damaged or oil seeped.
4. Each hydraulic control part should move flexibly and connect firmly.
3、 The water pump and parts of the water supply system of the small-sized automatic concrete mixer should be complete and should not leak.
四、小型混凝土搅拌车安 全设备检查规则:
4、 Small concrete mixer safety equipment inspection rules:
1.液压体系中应设有避免过载和液压冲击的安 全设备;安 全溢流阀的调整压力不得大于液压泵的压力。
1. The hydraulic system should be equipped with safety equipment to avoid overload and hydraulic shock; The adjustment pressure of the safety relief valve shall not be greater than the rated pressure of the hydraulic pump.
2. The protective equipment at the side and rear of the small concrete mixer truck shall be complete and intact.
3. Small concrete mixer truck should be equipped with life saving devices.
严格的规范是安 全使用小型混凝土搅拌车的重要作业,希望我们可以依照上面的检查规则对车辆进行检查。虽然已经小雪气候了,但是阴雨连绵,那么问题来了,混凝土搅拌车雨后怎样行进前的检查作业。偏酸性的雨经常含有杂质,在车辆被雨淋后,很长时间不清洁,酸会腐蚀一层明亮漆膜的外观,油漆会变得暗淡无光。
Strict specification is an important operation for the safe use of small concrete mixer. I hope we can inspect the vehicle according to the above inspection rules. Although the weather has been light snow, but continuous rain, so the problem, concrete mixer after rain how to move before the inspection operation. Acid rain often contains impurities. If the vehicle is not cleaned for a long time after being drenched, the acid will corrode the appearance of a bright paint film, and the paint will become dull.
1. If the mixer parts are dirty, the filtering effect will deteriorate, excessive impurities in the cylinder will increase the wear of parts, and the possibility of failure will increase; If it is severely blocked, it will cause the vehicle can not work normally.
2. The chassis of the mixer also needs regular maintenance. If the lubricating oil is washed off by the rain after driving in the rain, the chassis is vulnerable to corrosion. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the cleaning and anti rust treatment of the chassis of the concrete mixer.
Small automatic concrete mixer inspection work is introduced here, I hope to help you. For more information, please pay attention to our website http://www.cnzkjf.cn !

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